Wednesday, August 3, 2011

siapa yang lebih khawatir ayah atau ibu? Part 2

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pada sebelumnya 2 juni 2009, saya membuat posting "siapa yang lebih khawatir ayah atau ibu?". saya jadi teringat masa itu ketika saya merasa ayah saya lebih dan sangat khawatir terhadap saya sehingga sering kali ditanya secara berulang-ulang. padahal sudah ditanyakan sebelumnya. saat itu saya telah 1 tahun masuk kuliah, yaa itu saya rasakan ketika ayah saya sudah pensiun, rutinitas berbeda sehingga ada sesuatu yang berbeda. tetapi saat itu saya merasa seperti sangat diperhatikan, walaupun pertanyaanya selalu diulang-ulang. yup, itulah ayah saya.. =D

sekarang, ditempat tidur dengan selimut serta gagang panjang yang menjulur keatas telah menjadi tempatnya saat ini. dengan sedikit lubang jarum yang menusuk tangan kirinya membuatnya harus tertidur di tempat tidur itu. yaa keadaan yang berbeda dengan situasi yang berbeda bahkan dengan kondisi yang berbeda pula. ada yang jelas berbeda, beliau belum cukup kuat berdiri gagah seperti dulu, dan dengan pertanyaan lantangnya selalu terucap kearah saya, yaa selalu pertanyaan diulang-ulang. tetapi saat ini yang terdengar oleh saya sebuah nada samar dan pelan memberikan pertanyaan padahal saya jelas berada 10 cm disamping pundaknya. dan dia tetap bertanya-dan bertanya selalu diulang-ulang, tetapi ada yang hilang disitu, suara lantangnya yang tidak terdengar seperti dulu, rendah, serak, dan sedikit ngelantur.....perasaan yang tidak dapat tergambarkan...., kalau dahulu saya ditanyakan dengan suara lantang, saya berani melihat dan menjawab dengan nada lantang pula, sekarang nada rendah serak itu, membuat mulut saya mendadak cirit dan hilang.

saya kangen suara lantangmu ayah...

Tuhan itu baik...

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Semua orang di dunia ini mengenal....memiliki dan mempercayai adanya tuhan. tentunya itu berlaku untuk orang-orang yang memiliki agama dan pastinya beriman terhadap agamanya.

pernah kah anda mendengar kata "tuhan itu maha adil"????
ya benar sekali. tuhan itu adil dan tidak memilah dan memilih siapapun itu. tuhan memberikan kasih sayang dan nikmatnya yang tak hingga. KEPADA SIAPAPUN! kaya! Miskin!, Muda! Tua! Lelaki! atau perempuan!. tuhan akan adil jikalau kita juga berperilaku adil kepadaNya. Menjalankan segala perintahnya (solat, puasa, zakat dan sedekah) serta menjauhi larangannya. tidak ada alasan kita dan tuhan untuk tidak berlaku adil.

pernah kah anda mendengar kata "tuhan itu tidak pernah mendengar doa saya"?????
manusia sebagai hambanya hanya bisa berdoa, bertawakal serta melakukan tindakan/usaha untuk mendapatkan keinginannya yaitu ikhtiar. tuhan tidak pernah tidur, tuhan maha mendengar, maha melihat dan maha mengetahui. tidak akan pernah hilang dalam antrian doa kita semua dalam genggamanNya. pasti akan ada saatnya doa itu terkabul dan diberikan dengan penuh rasa kasih sayang.

jadi kalau ingin tuhan selalu dekat kita dan membimbing kita, pastikan Kita telah melakukan yang terbaik untuk tuhan Allah SWT. kita ingin sesuatu dan berdoa, kita sambut Allah SWT, dan berdoa dengan rasa rendah hati dan rasa takut. selain itu, jangan lupa SEDEKAH. Sedekah akan memperlancar semuanya. dan yang terakhir yaitu BERSYUKUR. jika kamu bersyukur maka akan kutambah lagi nikmatnya.
"Maka Nikmat Mana Lagi Yang Kamu Dustakan?"

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Case Study 3

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XY ABC bank has become a major bank with a customer reach 3 million by the various branches of the expansion up to 650 branches. Basic core services in a good bank that is providing best service to customers. As we know that, the Bank as a financial intermediary, in addition to maintaining public confidence by guaranteeing the level of liquidity also must operate effectively and efficiently to achieve the level of earnings (profits) are adequate.
Of course with all good management strategy, must be supported with the best service strategy, especially for consumers. In customer relationship management strategy is described that how touching on consumers is very important, from marketing, sales, service and operations. The goal is to provide comfort and confidence of consumers against these banks.
There are several processes being undertaken to meet the needs of consumers.

  1. Process initiation
    The process by which consumers recently conducted negotiations and prepared for the service provided by the bank.
  2. Process service
    The process is the most important services that tested the consistency of a bank.

XY ABC bank has to do 2 this process, and service process to take precedence, so as not to lose customers. The key to the success of the bank's management is how the bank can seize people's hearts so that its role as a financial intermediary goes well (Sinungan, 2000:79). One of the things that can win people's hearts is a good bank performance. for customers, knowing the performance of a bank to help decide whether the bank can be trusted or not (harnanto, 1991:352), the bank must put the individual needs of banking products as the main priority.
In addition, to evaluate segment and the consumer, must be some method to find out information about it.
Before, it is done we have to do the analysis segment.
Step to do evaluate service to consumer:

  1. Analysis service
  2. Evaluate service
  3. Solution

Many ways can be used to obtain information, one with Cluster Analysis Method to provide optional segment respondents based on customer perception. Preferences of respondents mapped with Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) to determine customer preferences regarding aspects of safety, convenience, speed, efficiency, and convenience of ATM services of Bank. Questionnaires are distributed to some respondents. Sampling using probability sampling methods. From the research results, that the clusters of respondents based on perception as much as four clusters, namely (1). Finding an ATM Service Segment, (2). Card Transaction Segment, (3). Efficiential. Activity Segment, and (4). Teller Service Segment. In that way, will generate data in real and must be mathematically or chart making it easier to evaluate, for the deficiencies of service can be covered. After doing the analysis and evaluation, and love a solution. We were able to take advantage of consumers' current relationship to the development of XY ABC bank to the front. Create a customer contact blueprint. Before preparing the blueprint, the first analysis of consumer relations.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Case Study 2

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Question 2
You are asked to lead a team that would help ABC XY Bank prepare for changes by managing complex organizational and workforce transitions once the business and IT solution is in place. One of the challenges is to help ABC XY leadership and the integration teams in carrying out an effective transition to a new way of working. How would your team go about doing it?

Figure 1 : Accenture's Transformational Change Management Framework
(resource :

As a team I will help ABC XY bank to prepare and make changes to the managing organization or sources with 2 priority, it is business and IT. Accenture's Transformational Change Management Framework is the reference to make step changes. the company needs to be done early management and transformation, see the rating (the discussions) that will be input to development of XY bank for change, given the resolution of XY Bank to be achieved, then perform a structural and organizational changes including the habits, strategies, business processes, business applications, invite and manage the people involved in the development process and development of XY Bank, including staff, managers, outsiders. The company needs the IT field is very high. I prioritize the IT field for the first that I had to develop because, progressive area that runs from a company that depends on IT. Based on the Accenture IT strategy and transformation:

IT Strategy & Transformation Services

· IT Strategy
Shape the direction of IT to maximize shareholder and business value on the road to high performance.

· IT Transformation
Drive large-scale change to the IT organization processes, technology and culture to deliver improved capability and business results.

· Enterprise Architecture
Establish a vision and actionable road map for technology to address today's needs and drive future business growth.

· IT Process Excellence
Transform your IT processes and supporting tools to Achieve operational excellence.

Change and IT strategy should be done with basic needs and the path that must be done, IT Strategy, IT Transformation, Enterprise and IT Process Achitecture Exellence.

Because Information Technology Development Company be gradual and continuous, Remember!, That company merged company XY is X and Y. so need a process of gradual and continuous change and not easy to combine 2 different systems and organizations. before a holistic system or security company is built, these companies need input from outside (external) form of assessment, demand and the need for IT development. it is adjusted to the strength of its resources and needs. In its application of Information Technology strategic plan is always aligned with the Company Plan, for each application of information technology to deliver value to the Company. This is one reason the IT field is the priority in the development of the company. Referring to the Corporate Information Technology Architecture development, the application of Information Technology conducted categorized as follows.

• Application of Information Technology as the basis of a variety of other applications available on the Company include the operating system, database, network management and others.

• Applications that are fundamental (utility), ie, application of information technology that is used for a variety of resource utilization affairs of the Company among other payroll, accounting & financial systems and others.

• Information Technology Application in accordance with company specific requirements, especially relating to the creation of products / services offered by the Company include Application Properties, Applications Applications Forwarding and Warehousing.

Information Technology Architecture above will become a reference for designing the field of IT in company XY. By performing integration and good change from the IT field, this being the influence to other fields including the field of business which is one of the areas sensitive to development of the company that is identifying the level of difficulty to get this pelanggan.Hal important to develop a bank merger is the result of IT development overall, which means that IT should be integrated strength, network, ATM, mobile and internet and all that allows banks to serve customers.

Integration of IT, The steps in the process of IT development:

1. IT Integration Bank

2. IT Optimization based on update

3. Customer Needs Analysis including design and integration.

4. Designing IT design, project schedule, the time required.

5. Overall Integration

6. Update

7. Implementation

8. Examination

9. Project Evaluation

10. Re-Impelentation

11. Maintenance

Merger means the bank has a more progressive goals. Therefore, the necessary business plan was made to accommodate the progress of the bank, become a better player market, future plans as a whole, the analysis needs of the market, thinking of solutions and managerial good bank. Also, make a good organizational structure by looking at the necessary priority areas or sensitive. The design of business organizations will be more focused if the power company's infrastructure has been running well of IT. Making the consumer as the main priority is the task in the business to do good marketing is persuasive. In the business section would be better to divide the tasks in the division of public relations and marketing division.

1. Public Relations Division
The division is related to the transaction or negotiations with the community and cooperation with other companies.

2. Marketing Division
The division is tasked with marketing and customer service.

The purpose of such distribution is made to become more effective in a particular company in a bank merger requiring good synchronization. Because the sensitive area will affect the existence of the bank and have difficulties to get customers. Thus, simple steps, plan, optimize, execute and give priority to the integration of IT as a whole between the Bank X and Bank Y, to accommodate the system to a more consumer benefits and strengthen the internal systems (including business and managerial).