reading, understanding, and commented...
Imagine cup is the world's premier student technology competition hosted by Microsoft.
recently, i really want to try enter for this competition. and fortunelly, in my departement, have like socialization, sharing about this competition (because years ago, 2 team of my electrical engineering departement pass Imagine cup 2009 in Egypt. therefore, students in my departement is very interested and will be guided for my senior or ex finalist imagine cup 2009. actually, the first will be guided to submit this proposal. in imagine cup have some categories like :
Embedded Development, software design, Digital media, IT Challange, game design. and for award :
Envisioning 2020, internet explorer 8 , interoprebility , touch and tablet accessibility, next generation web, windows phone 7 series.
to more
and then i have a team ,our team consist of 3 person and we enter for this competition to embedded development. my team name's TF2S . it means " Three for Sea and Society"
my proposal about seaweed. we have idea to making a pond for fisherman using IFORSEA Technology (name's made by my team).
Date 1 march 2010 ago , my team submitted my proposal and hoped we would be chosen. even, i really wanted to be winner and going to polandia. hohoho..
Date 23 march 2010 ago, announcements about it.
unfortunetely, my team FAILED.
huhhhhh....I AM LOSER!!!again.
although, i am not be winner, i really be proud for my self because i had tried to do it.! hopes next time i will enter for this competition again. thanks for all who have supported me.=D
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